Latest Episodes

Advanced or recurrent endometrial cancer: Molecular classification and treatment decisions
Advanced or recurrent endometrial cancer: Molecular classification and treatment decisions Key clinical takeaways: MMR status should be tested in all patients at diagnosis and...

Latest strategies for prevention and management of PPH (2)
Appropriate management of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) requires prompt diagnosis and treatment. However, there's some debate on various PPH prevention and management strategies and the...

Treatment of severe PPH – Learnings from clinical practice
COR2ED Medical Education: In this podcast, Prof. Andra H. James (Professor Emeritus of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Division Maternal Fetal Medicine, Duke University Hospital, Durham,...

Severe postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) series: Part 4
Innovation is the key to achieving success in the future, including recent scientific research to explore novel therapeutic options to improve the treatment of...

Latest strategies for prevention and management of PPH
Appropriate management of postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) requires prompt diagnosis and treatment. However, there's some debate on various PPH prevention and management strategies and the...

IUD placement - reducing anxiety and pain
Welcome to the "Addressing Anxiety and Pain Around IUD Placement" podcast, where experts in the field, Carolyn Westhoff MD, Michal Yaron MD, and Patty...